Tuesday, February 12, 2008

16 ounces makes one happy

So I stepped on the scale last night.

I have mentioned before about my health I think,
and I've actually managed to jog for 6 out of 7 days now I believe.

I'm actually at the point where I'm not passing out when I finish my lap.

So despite all that, I've still been hovering around 205 pounds. People have told me it has to do with a muscle buildup, which made me feel a little better. I felt healthy, and that's among the most important things. I'm not vain, I don't hate my big tummy or whatnot, just wish it was a mite littler.

So the last few days I've seen 203. I was glad I was down there but was a bit upset it wouldn't get any lower.

Last night:


This is the lowest I've been since I was sick over the summer. And before that - probably some point in college.

So I started at 210, the goal is 185. 8 down, 17 to go.

And of course, to stay there.
And feel good.
And be dead sexy, of course.

1 comment:

BunGirl said...

Well I feel better... I'm currently a little less than your target weight, and since we're the same height, WOOHOO! lol Seriously though, round of applause for doing the exercise thing. I've never managed to stick to anything long enough to make a difference.